Animated Emoji

What is Animated Emoji

Animated Emoji can be identified as the next generation of Emoji. You may recognize this as Animoji. Emoji is a sticker type communication tool and it had a different kind of sticker faces and there were many updates of it. Emoji is available in both iPhone and Android devices. It made a revolution in mobile conversations. But there was some kind of limitations. And Animated Emoji came with overcoming those limitations. Emoji couldn’t be customized and couldn’t be animated. But Animated Emoji can be customized and can be animated them. And it is a 3D type communication tool. So this is the actual revolution of mobile conversations.

Who introduced Animated Emoji?

Animated Emoji was introduced by Apple Company with their latest iDevice which is the all-new iPhone X. And iPhone X is the best mobile phone which is ever built. Apple developers released a lot of new technologies with this phone. Face detection camera and Animated Emoji are two of them. But Animated Emoji is the technology which customers accepted most. Because it is a new experience for all mobile users.

Animated Emoji

How Animated Emoji works

Animated Emoji works in a very easy process and anyone can follow it easily. This technology can be found in the iMessage app. And there is the list of Animated Emoji face and the user can choose any one of the 12. , Just after selecting any Animoji character, the face detection camera starts to track the facial expressions of the user and the user can add any expression to new Animoji. And there are voice messages too. For voice added Animojis, the user has to record the voice message while creating the Animoji. This kind of massages can be called as ‘talking animoji’. If the user wants to save this Animoji, the user can save them in photo app of iPhone X.

Advantages and disadvantages of Animated Emoji

Animated Emoji reduce the time cost and it avoids the long written massages. And it has a very simple process to follow. It can be customized by the user with their facial expressions. So the user can communicate the actual inner feeling very easily. This Animoji can be seen in full screen. Apple developers hope to add four new Animated Emoji faces to the list then the users choosing capacity will be enhanced. But there are some limitations even in Animoji. They are, it can be created only with an iPhone X. It is a big problem for mobile users. And there is a limited number of faces. So the users cannot choose them as their wants. However, Animated Emoji is the best communication tool for all mobile lovers.